What is whispered interpreting?

This technique is also known by its French name chuchotage. The interpreter sits next to, between or behind the participants and literally whispers a summary of what is being said.

When is whispered interpreting used?

This method is a make-shift solution and should be provided for no more than three participants. It is used whenever the number of people who do not understand the conference language is very small. It is often provided in combination with consecutive interpreting, e.g. if a presentation is translated using consecutive interpreting and the audience's questions are then translated using whispered interpreting. The speaker's answer will then again be translated using consecutive interpreting.

What does whispered interpreting involve?

The foreign participants and their interpreter have to be located close to the speaker so that the interpreter can hear the original well enough to translate it. At the same time it is also advisable to separate them a little from the rest of the audience so as to minimise any disturbance.

Please bear in mind:

  • Whispered interpreting creates an unavoidable murmur which can be distracting to other conference participants.
  • Chuchotage can only give a summary of the proceedings; it is NOT equivalent to simultaneous interpreting without the technical equipment.
  • The maximum number of participants per interpreter is three.


"Ich möchte mich ausdrücklich für Ihre (vor allem gegen dem Ende zugehende sehr kurzfristige) Unterstützung bei dem eben abgeschlossenen Projekt bedanken! Wir sind als Agentur mehr als kurzfristige Timings ja gewöhnt, aber dieses hatte es auch im Hinblick auf den Umfang in sich ..."