Europe has a long-standing tradition as the home of multilingual international organisations. As the continent grows smaller, countries, associations and companies as well as individuals are increasingly involved in relations with people of a different mother-tongue. Ever more often, people simply do not have a common language and need the services of translators or interpreters. This guide aims to give you an introduction to what translation and interpreting services can do for you. Choose straight from the menu or click your way through the articles using the hyperlinks in the text.


What's the difference between translating and interpreting?

There is a simple but important distinction between translating and interpreting: translations are always carried out in writing while interpreting is oral.


What interpretation methods are there?

Interpreters also distinguish between several different techniques. Depending on the nature of the event and its specific requirements, you may require simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting, whispered interpreting (chuchotage), and liaison interpreting.

Simultaneous interpreting requires special technical equipment, which we are pleased to offer.


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