translations or provided interpretation at international events, conferences, congresses, meetings, seminars and workshops:

International Organisations

Council of Europe, CEB, CEN, G-15, ILO, International Organisation for Migration, MCPFE Minister Conference for the Protection of Forests in Europe, OECD, UNESCO, UNIDO, Assembly of European Regions, Worldbank

European Union Agencies and Programmes

European Commission, COST, Delegation of the European Commission to the International Organisations in Vienna, ECOSOC, EDICOM, EQUAL, EESC European Economic and Social Committee - COR Committee of the Regions, ENAR - European Network Against Racism, EUMC, Euromed, HELIOS, INTERREG, INTERACT, LEONARDO, MATTÄUS, PHARE, Smart Cities, TAIEX, TARIC, Trainkey, and many others ....

Ministries and embassies of:

Austria, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, Malaysia, Nepal, UK, Uruguay, USA, Zimbabwe


Absolem - Academy of Sciences - ACCOLAD - ACEM - ACI - ADEME - AEGPL - AET - AFD - AFH2 - Agence Perrot - AIPCR - AITEC - AJJDCE - ALCATEL - Alliance Israélite Universelle - AMO France - ANACT - ANAH - ANDRH - APCAS - APEAL - APEC - AP HP - APPLE - ARA Altstoff Recycling Austria AG - ASFiNAG - ASP - Association of the Machinery and Metalware Industries - Association for Building Materials and Ceramic Industries - ATF - Atlas Copco - Austrian Chamber of Commerce (various departments) - Association of Chemical Industries - Austrian Commodities Exchange - Austrian Institute for SME Research - Austrian Society for Concrete and Construction Technology - Austrian Society for Laser Dentistry - Austrian Society for Neurology and Psychiatry - Austrian Society for Surveying and Geoinformation - Austrian Standards Institute - Austrian State Archive - B. A. I. - BA-CA - BCA - BenDoroDad - BIRP - BIT - BNM - Boehringer Ingelheim British Medical Association - BPI - Buena Vista - Cap Evenement - Caravelle Events - Castrol - CEA - CEC - CEDEFOP - Centre Pompidou - Ceritex - CERT - CESD Communautaire - CFE - Chevron Chemical - CIBA-GEIGY - Citroen - CLER - CMI - CNASEA - Coca Cola - Comité Richelieu - Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs - Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine - Conseil Régional Midi-Pyrénées - Coopers& Lybrand - COPACEL - Covos Baxon - CSA - CSNEAF - CTM Evenement - DAF - Danone - DCS Automotive - Demokratiezentrum Wien - Department of Classical Archeology, Vienna University - Department of Film, Theatre and Media Studies, Vienna University - Department of Social Sciences, Vienna University - Der Standard - DIACT - DIE ERSTE Privatstiftung - Digital Equipment GmbH - Direction des Affaires Maritimes - Direction des Musées de France - Disney Consumer Products - DNRED - Dorda Brugger Jordis - EBL - ECJC - Economist Conferences - Editions Map - EDTNA/ ERCA - Egide Endo Plus - Energie Cités - ERGEE - ESHRE - ETSC - ETUC - EAPA European Asphalt Pavement Association - Eucapa - EUMOS - EUPC - EUREGIO West/ Nyugat Pannonia - EUROCHAMBRES - Eurojuris - Europa Nostra - European Academy of Sciences and Arts - European Academy of Urban Environment - European Ombudsmann Institute - Europaforum Vienna - European Economic Interest Group - European Public Health Association - Expofil - EYCA - FACC - Fachzeitschriftenverlag - FAECF - FEBO - Federation of Austrian Industry - FECCIA - FECS - FEEI - FEPE - Ferring - Fessel - Festival d'Automne Paris - FGW - FIA - Fiat Lancia - FIATA - Fidunion - FIE - FIEA - Fischer - Fleming Fonds - FNMF - FONDEM - Forum International de Sciences Humaines - FORUM Management Institute - Franklin - FSJU - General Trailers - GIRP - GPS - Graitec - GRET - GREY - Heineken - Herz Armaturen - Herzer Communication - Hilfswerk Austria - Hotel Cayré K+K - Hübner & Hübner - IAAPA - IACA - IASA - IASON - ICA - ICMPD - IDAE - IFPMA - IFRA - IFS France - IGF - IIID - IJPR - IKSR - IMS - Industriemagazin - INOGATE - INRA - INSEAD - INSPEC FIBRES - Institut Théophraste Renaudot - Institute for Educational Research of the Economy - Institut für Freizeitpädagogik - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis - INTERBEV - International Music Centre - Intraplant - Invent - Invesco Bank - Investkredit - Inzersdorfer - IPI/ International Press Institute - ISG Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik - IUSSP - IUSTITIA ET PAX - Jeunesse Musicale - Joke Event - Journées Parisiennes d'Allergie - K+ K Management - KAPSCH - Kattus, Racke & Mack - KIA - Konfliktkultur - Kraft Foods - Lansky, Ganzger & Partner - Lebenshilfe Österreich - Le Publique Système - LICE - Lieben. Rath. Fessler - LIFT Systeme - LMF - Lower Austrian Chamber of Workers - Ludwig-Boltzmann Institute for the Sociology of Medicine and Health - Lutz - Lux Modernis - L'Oréal - MA 18 - MA 49 - MA 54 - Magna Automotive - MAN - MECSEA - Meda Pharma - Medical Centre for Phlebology, Proktology and Laser Therapy - MERCK, SHARP & DOHME B.V. - Momentys - Monceau Audit - Mondi - MOT Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière - Move Up - Musée de l'Assistance Publique - National Agency for Lifelong Learning - Natixis - Neue Luzerner Zeitung - Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung - Nissan - NWMA - Observ'ER - Office de l'Elevage - Ogilvy PR Worldwide - OJ Events - ONE - ORF - OSK - OTIF - Owenscorp - ÖAGG - ÖAMTC - ÖAR - ÖBB - ÖGB - ÖH - ÖKI - ÖKSA - ÖPWZ - Orientale Lumen Institute - ÖSAG - Österreich Werbung - Österreichische Braubeteiligungs-AG -ÖFB - WIFO - ÖVGW - Palais des Congrès de Paris - Paneuropa Movement - Patrik Barret Immobilier - Pechiney Eurofoil - Pharmacia Austria - Philippe Parent Studio - Pierre Lang - pi five - Plus Orthopedics AG - Port Autonome de Paris - Projektzentrum Frauenföderung - Pst! - Publicis - Quintessenz - RailNet - Reed Messe Wien - Refreshment Services - Regionalmanagement Burgenland - Relais de Silence - Religionstheologisches Institut St. Gabriel - Réseau Idéal - RFI Radio France International - RHI AG - Rockwool Isolation - Rotary - RPR - Rudolfsstiftung hospital - Salinen Austria - Schloss Schönbrunn - Schöllerbank AG - Schweißtechnische Zentralanstalt (Welding Institute) - Semperit - Serono - Servier - SFA - SFdS - Shell - Skoda - Société Générale - Society of Austrian Chemists - Spine and Sports - SPMI - Stagestruck - Systèmes Solaires - Taxi 40 100 - The Austrian Patent Office - The Club of Rome - Thyssen Krupp Materials - TRAFICO - Trimedia - Tubafor International - UEIL - UFTAA - UGC - UNMKRHV - Umweltbundesamt (Environmental Institute) -Union of Railway Employees - UNIQA - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna - University of Paris X Nanterre - VAA Führungskräfte Chemie - VAE Eisenbahnsysteme - VBÖ - Velux - Verlagsgruppe NEWS - Vienna Business Agency - Vienna Economic Chamber - VOEST Alpine - Wella - Wiener Festwochen - VIDC - Vienna University Clinic for Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine - Vienna University Clinic for Traumatology - Vienna University Clinic for Psychiatry and Anton-Proksch-Institute - Vienna University Clinic for Dentistry - Vienna University Clinic for Pediatrics - VNU Publications France - Voies Navigables de France VW Group - WFA - Wiener Medizinische Akademie - Wiener Städtische Versicherung - wienXtra - WIFI - Wilhelminenspital - WIP - World Event Management - ZAG - ZAR - ZEIT!RAUM - Zukunft Biosphere - ZUKUNFTS.STATION

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